400 g ungesalzene, geröstete Nüsse, wie Mandeln, Erdnüsse, Cashews oder Pistazien
2 EL Rapsöl
Salz (optional)
Honig, Agavendicksaft oder Ahornsirup (optional)
Schritt für Schritt
Combine nuts and oil in blender jar of the KitchenAid ARTISAN Power Plus Blender. Secure lid and turn dial to Speed 1. Slowly increase speed to medium- high (Speed 8). Blend, using the Flex Edge tamper to push down ingredients, until smooth, creamy nut butter forms for about 1 minute.
Blend in pinch of salt and/ or honey to taste, if desired. Store in airtight container in refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.
Serve on whole wheat toast, add to smoothies or smear on apple slices or celery sticks.